Church Life

Find out here what is happening in the life of our Church and how you can join in....


Sunday 16th

Our 10.30am morning worship will be led by Nigel Roberts.


Sunday 23rd

Our 10.30am local arrangement service will be led by Elizabeth Wright.

We are open for morning Worship at 10.30 am every Sunday.


Throughout the different Sundays in each month we try and aim to provide a variety of different services.


The first Sunday of each month is a Local Arrangement led by our Church members, often filled with their favourite hymns and songs, an opportunity for discussion and reflection as we worship God. It is often quite informal.


The second Sunday of the month is a more traditional service and often (but not always) includes Holy Communion.


The third Sunday of the month is time for 'Something Completely Different', where there is a variety of worship styles for all ages.


The fourth sunday is often a more traditional service.


If there is a fifth Sunday in the month this is a Circuit Service at one of our churches across the Hinckley Circuit. Check out the newsletter to find out more. Please note the Sapcote Methodist Church may be closed this day.  

Something Completely Different...

Once a month (usually on the 3rd sunday but check our home page!) we like to hold a service that is completely different!! If you are not used to church this could be a service for you! It is a relaxed and informal service, with modern worship songs, and might include anything from discussion time, crafts, and food, to creative prayer and small group chat. Why not come along and see what it is all about. 

Cafe Worship

1st Wednesday of the month.


7:00pm to 9:00pm.


Starts with a meal and continues as an evening of discussion, modern worship and more!


Thursday at Ten

Open to anyone who wants to learn more about Bible themes. An informal, friendly and open discussion to help people develop their faith and understanding.


We meet on the second and fourth week week of the month starting at 10 to 11.30am. If there is a fifth Thursday in the month we meet at Sapcote Garden Centre for a social gathering.

Thursday Prayers

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00am.


Join via Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 842 0944 5657
Passcode: 800056



Fourth Sunday of the month.


4:00pm to 5:00pm.


A relaxed celebration event with modern contemporary worship music, icebreakers, lively speakers with a short Christian message.


Includes games, snacks and drinks.


All ages welcome!



Friday Family Fun

The first Friday of every month

5.00 - 6.30pm 


A very new way of doing church, one for the whole family! Sometimes in church, sometimes outside, sometimes somewhere different! Lots of different activities, songs, stories, and prayers! Enjoy a meal, crafts and light worship.


Come join us! Everyone is welcome!


For more information contact Sheila:



New to Church?

Are you new to our church? We would love to hear from you. Please go to the contact page and get in touch. We can explain in person who we are and what's happening in our church and how you can get involved. We warmly welcome all to our church, if you are exploring faith for the first time or returning to church please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.  

John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”​

Pastoral Team

We have a team of pastoral visitors who share God’s work of caring for each other. The secretary of the pastoral carers is Judy Hall. All church members and those who worship in our church are allocated a pastoral visitor who will care for you by praying, supporting or visiting.



We believe in the power of prayer and there are several ways you can be involved in our prayer ministry:


Prayer Chain: if you wish us to pray for you or someone known to you (with their permission) then please contact us through Facebook or email and they will pass your request to others in the prayer chain.


Prayer tree: there is a prayer tree in the church where you can hang prayer requests (with people’s permission).


Weekly prayers:

We have a prayer book for you to write in as you walk into church. Please feel free to enter names for those you would like to be mentioned in need of prayer during the service.


Monthly prayer sheet: Jenn Baker produces a monthly prayer sheet for people to use in their personal prayer life.


Faith Development

Thursday Study Group

meets at church


Sheila Grice


There are other opportunities throughout the year to develop your faith. We often run short courses, we will advertise them on our Welcome page so watch this space!
There is also a small library where you can borrow a book on a short term basis.



Our Mission

To proclaim the Gospel to all ages by worship, care and nurture through Mission and Service.

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© Sapcote Methodist Church